Supreme Court to hear
Felon Voting case
The Minnesota Supreme Court has granted accelerated review of the Minnesota Voters Alliance (MVA) challenge to the 2023 Felon Voting Law. Oral arguments will take place on April 1, 2024.
Click here to view the granting order, and, in case you missed it, here is our Petition For Review that was filed by the Upper Midwest Law Center.
The newly passed law raises constitutional questions that demand prompt resolution as the conventional appellate process could extend uncertainty surrounding the law, potentially impacting the upcoming election season.

Minnesota Supreme Court Grants
Minnesota Voters Alliance an Accelerated Review!
The Supreme Court needs to clarify its 2023 Schroeder v Simon decision, where the court did not reach a definitive ruling on what "restored to civil rights" means in the Constitution, or whether restoring "the civil right to vote" satisfies that constitutional requirement. The Court will now reach these crucial issues.
We believe the Minnesota Constitution requires restoration of the totality of a felon's civil rights lost upon sentencing before the felon can vote. The Felon Voting Law, however, restores the right to vote while the felon is still serving his sentence.
By granting accelerated review, the Supreme Court has agreed with the MVA that, regardless of the Court's ultimate decision, it is critical for Minnesota citizens to have an answer prior to the 2024 election.
There are an estimated 55,000 felons in this state who have yet to complete their entire sentences.
This case represents MVA’s third appearance before the Minnesota Supreme Court during the last three years.
Please Support the Minnesota Voters Alliance!
As we charge into our 20th year, we are so deeply grateful to our friends and members who have supported the critical work of the MVA. Your generosity and continuing commitment have produced two decades of efforts that have improved elections in our state.
Please consider a generous “tax-deductible" donation today to help us continue our unique work!; Your check may be made payable to the “Minnesota
Voters Alliance” and sent to the address below, or you can contribute online at Thank you for all your support.
Andy E. Cilek
Executive Director
Minnesota Voters Alliance
P. O. Box 4602
St. Paul, MN 55104
Minnesota Voters Alliance is a 501(c)(3) organization and donations are tax deductible.
We can accept personal as well as corporate contributions